'URLDownloadToFile API. Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias _ "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As Long, ByVal szURL As String, ByVal _ szFileName As String, ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long Sub batch() Dim strFNAME As String, strSRC_FILE As String Dim strRET As Variant strFNAME = "c:\temp\download\" Open strFNAME & "_copy_list.txt" For Input As #1 Open strFNAME & "_report.txt" For Output As #2 Do While Not EOF(1) Line Input #1, strSRC_FILE strRET = download(strSRC_FILE, strFNAME & strSRC_FILE) Print #2, strRET & vbTab; strSRC_FILE Debug.Print strSRC_FILE DoEvents Loop Close MsgBox "done!" End Sub 'strURL:ダウンロード元URL(ファイル名のみ) 'strFNAME:格納先フルパス+ファイル名 Function download(strURL As String, strFNAME As String) As Variant Dim base_url As String base_url = "http://~~~~~~/~~~~~/" & strURL download = URLDownloadToFile(0, base_url, strFNAME, 0, 0) End Function
MS Internet Controls :IEのため
MS HTML Object Library :フレーム処理
Private Sub html_go() Dim IE As InternetExplorer Dim objFRAME As FramesCollection Dim objDOC As HTMLDocument Set IE = CreateObject("internetExplorer.application") IE.Navigate "http://~~~/" IE.Visible = True Do While IE.Busy = True: DoEvents: Loop Set objFRAME = IE.Document.frames 'NAME=lview のフレーム内処理 Set objDOC = objFRAME("F_left").Document objDOC.all.Item(23).Click 'HWInfo click Do While IE.Busy = True: DoEvents: Loop Set objFRAME = IE.Document.frames 'NAME=tview のフレーム内処理 Set objDOC = objFRAME("F_top").Document objDOC.all("text box").Value = "値" objDOC.forms(0).submit Do While IE.Busy = True: DoEvents: Loop 'NAME=rview のフレーム内処理 Set objDOC = objFRAME("F_right").Document strHTML = objDOC.all(0).innerText Debug.Print strHTML Set IE = Nothing MsgBox "done!" End Sub
'Outlookを呼び出してMail作成 Sub OUTLOOK() Dim objOutlook As OUTLOOK.Application Dim objOutlookMsg As OUTLOOK.MailItem Dim objOutlookRecip As OUTLOOK.Recipient Dim objOutlookAttach As OUTLOOK.Attachment Set objOutlook = CreateObject(“Outlook.Application") Set objOutlookMsg = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem) 'メイン With objOutlookMsg .Subject = “title" .Body = “本文" '宛先準備 Set objOutlookRecip = .Recipients.Add(“xxx@bbb.com") objOutlookRecip.Type = olTo Set objOutlookRecip = .Recipients.Add(“zzz@bbb.com") objOutlookRecip.Type = olCC '完成Mailを表示 .Display 'いきなり送付させる場合は下記を使用 '.SEND End With Set objOutlookMsg = Nothing Set objOutlook = Nothing MsgBox “送付完了!" End Sub
'FIELDをWクリックしたら、IE呼び出し Private Sub FIELD_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) ' Dim IE As Object 'IE準備 Set IE = CreateObject(“internetExplorer.application") 'IE起動&URL開く IE.Navigate “http://~~~~?xxx=" & ZZZ.Value 'IE表示 IE.Visible = True '表示終わるまで待機 Do While IE.Busy = True: DoEvents: Loop 'リソース開放 Set IE = Nothing ' End Sub
'Windowsログイン名取得API Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib “ADVAPI32.dll" _ Alias “GetUserNameA" _ (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long Sub test() Dim strBuffer As String Dim lngLngs As Long Dim lngRet As Long Dim Get_User As String ' ' Bufferを確保 strBuffer = String(256, Chr(0)) lngLngs = Len(strBuffer) ' ' ログインユーザー名取得 lngRet = GetUserName(strBuffer, lngLngs) Get_User = UCase(Left$(strBuffer, InStr(1, strBuffer, Chr(0)) – 1)) ' MsgBox Get_User ' End Sub