Private Sub btnGO_Click() Dim wkTBL As String, wkLEN As String, wkDSN As String Dim WKSRCTBL As String, wkUID Dim MyTbl As DAO.TableDef Dim prp As DAO.Property For Each MyTbl In CurrentDb.TableDefs wkTBL = MyTbl.Name WKSRCTBL = MyTbl.SourceTableName If MyTbl.Attributes And dbAttachedODBC Then wkLEN = InStr(1, MyTbl.Connect, “DSN=") + 4 wkDSN = Mid(MyTbl.Connect, wkLEN, InStr(wkLEN, MyTbl.Connect, “;") – wkLEN) 'call link AUTO_LINK wkTBL, WKSRCTBL, wkDSN, “userid", “password" End If End If Next MsgBox “done!" Exit Sub End Sub Sub AUTO_LINK(dbtable As String, dbname As String, dsn As String, uid As String, pwd As String) Dim db As Database, TblDef As TableDef Dim prp As DAO.Property, flgpw As Boolean flgpw = True 'save password in link On Error Resume Next 'delete DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, dbtable On Error GoTo 0 Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0) Set TblDef = db.CreateTableDef(dbtable) TblDef.Connect = “ODBC;DSN=" & dsn & “;UID=" & uid & “;PWD=" & pwd TblDef.SourceTableName = dbname If flgpw Then TblDef.Attributes = dbAttachSavePWD End If db.TableDefs.Append TblDef Set prp = TblDef.CreateProperty(“Description", dbText, dsn & “:" & uid) TblDef.Properties.Append prp TblDef.Properties.Refresh TblDef.RefreshLink End Sub
月別アーカイブ: 2009年12月
Private Sub btnGO_Click() Dim wkTBL As String, wkLEN As String, wkDSN As String Dim WKSRCTBL As String, wkUID Dim MyTbl As DAO.TableDef Dim prp As DAO.Property For Each MyTbl In CurrentDb.TableDefs wkTBL = MyTbl.Name WKSRCTBL = MyTbl.SourceTableName If MyTbl.Attributes And dbAttachedODBC Then wkLEN = InStr(1, MyTbl.Connect, “DSN=") + 4 wkDSN = Mid(MyTbl.Connect, wkLEN, InStr(wkLEN, MyTbl.Connect, “;") – wkLEN) 'call link AUTO_LINK wkTBL, WKSRCTBL, wkDSN, “userid", “password" End If End If Next MsgBox “done!" Exit Sub End Sub Sub AUTO_LINK(dbtable As String, dbname As String, dsn As String, uid As String, pwd As String) Dim db As Database, TblDef As TableDef Dim prp As DAO.Property, flgpw As Boolean flgpw = True 'save password in link On Error Resume Next 'delete DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, dbtable On Error GoTo 0 Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0) Set TblDef = db.CreateTableDef(dbtable) TblDef.Connect = “ODBC;DSN=" & dsn & “;UID=" & uid & “;PWD=" & pwd TblDef.SourceTableName = dbname If flgpw Then TblDef.Attributes = dbAttachSavePWD End If db.TableDefs.Append TblDef Set prp = TblDef.CreateProperty(“Description", dbText, dsn & “:" & uid) TblDef.Properties.Append prp TblDef.Properties.Refresh TblDef.RefreshLink End Sub
Sub クエリをテキスト出力する() Dim dbs As Database Dim intCount As Integer Dim QDF As QueryDef Open “c:\temp\export_query.txt" For Output As #1 Set dbs = CurrentDb For intCount = 0 To dbs.QueryDefs.Count – 1 Set QDF = dbs.QueryDefs(intCount) Print #1, QDF.Name Print #1, QDF.SQL 'Debug.Print QDF.SQL Next Close End Sub
Export name of Query
Sub Sample() Dim mymydb As Database Set mydb = CurrentDb Debug.Print "すべてのクエリ名を出力します" For Each myqer In mydb.QueryDefs Debug.Print myqer.Name Next End Sub